![LayerZero Banner](/img/deals/layerzero/banner.webp)
An open-source, immutable messaging protocol designed to facilitate the creation of omnichain, interoperable applications.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) sale tokens purchased through brokers or from the secondary market. LayerZero Labs does not sell directly.
Registration Period
Guaranteed Allocation Round
Increase your allocation by staking more $FINC for longer.
First-Come-First-Serve Round
Proportional to guaranteed allocation.
Vesting Period
Deal Size
1 ZRO =$3.00
Remaining Allocation
Sale Metrics
Token Metrics
0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000View 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 on block explorer
0x000000...000000View 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 on block explorer
Table of Contents
- Introducing LayerZero
- LayerZero Ecosystem
- Highlights
- Features
- Investors
- Disclaimer
Introducing LayerZero
LayerZero is an interoperability protocol that connects blockchains (50+ and counting), allowing developers to build seamless omnichain applications, tokens, and experiences. Using smart contracts deployed on each chain, in combination with Decentralized Verifier Networks (DVNs) and Executors, LayerZero enables different blockchains to seamlessly interact with one another. The protocol relies on immutable on-chain endpoints, a configurable Security Stack, and a permissionless set of Executors to transfer censorship-resistant messages between chains.
In LayerZero V2, message verification and execution have been separated into two distinct phases, providing developers with more control over their application's security configuration and independent execution.
Combined with improved handling, message throughput, programmability, and other contract specific improvements, LayerZero V2 provides a more flexible, performant, and future-proof messaging protocol.
LayerZero Ecosystem
95 top dApps in the ecosystem from all sectors in web3!
Community consists of over 700,000 individuals!
Over 122,000,000 messages sent in 62 networks and counting!
+$50B value transferred and counting!
Raised over $263.3M with various rounds from top VCs in web3, last round's valuation was $3B!
Immutable: Endpoints (the interface for interacting with LayerZero) exist as immutable smart contracts on each chain LayerZero supports. These are non-upgradeable and cannot be changed by any party, providing a safe and predictable interface to interact with. Every piece of core protocol code is non-upgradable. Neither LayerZero Labs nor anyone else besides the owner of the omnichain application has the ability to change an application's security configuration (unless Defaults or a delegate is selected to do so).
Censorship-Resistant: Individual messages can only be executed once all previous messages have been verified, meaning no individual message can ever be censored on any pathway. There is no ability for the LayerZero protocol to selectively deliver messages once they're successfully submitted on the source chain. If a transaction is successfully submitted on the source chain, it is guaranteed to be delivered to the destination chain.
Permissionless: LayerZero is a pure protocol. Anyone can run the infrastructure that verifies and executes messages sent via LayerZero. If every developer and infrastructure provider stopped performing services, anybody could come in to join the protocol and pick up right where they left off. Furthermore, anyone may build on top of LayerZero and interact with those applications.
a16z, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Circle Ventures, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
Sequoia Capital, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
OpenSea, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
Samsung NEXT, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
Christie's, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
Bond Capital, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
OKX, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
Lightspeed Venture Partners, made their first investment in LayerZero on Apr 04, 2023 in its Series B round.
FTX, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Coinbase, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
PayPal, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Uniswap, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Tiger Global Management, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Dapper Labs, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
imToken, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
CoinFund, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Zokyo, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Polygon, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Gemini, made their first investment in LayerZero on Mar 30, 2022 in its Series B round.
Multicoin Capital, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Binance Labs, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Delphi, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
HyperSphere Tech, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Robot Ventures, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Protocol Ventures, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Genblock Capital, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
DeFiance Capital, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Spartan Group, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
Ryze Labs, made their first investment in LayerZero on Sep 16, 2021 in its Series A round.
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